Interactive Government-Related List Generator

Maintained by Karl Denninger. Information is believed accurate and up to date, but no guarantee of correctness is made. Please verify information, particularly fax numbers and email addresses, before sending data of significant volume using the result of searches on this database. Please report any errors you discover via the above mail link.

Copyright 2008 by Karl Denninger; all rights not granted in this license are explicitly reserved.

Key fields that must match, enter "*" in fields you do not want returned from table, "+" for sort order

Title:	 Fn:Ln:
City:	  State: Zip:+4:

Phone:   	Fax: 


Type:	 	Rep.State:	District:	Party:

Faxes marked inoperative: 
Fax refused (either no nbr or refused): 
Return Merge List: (if not checked, a HTML table will be returned)


For data specifications and methods of accessing this database using other tools in real-time over the Internet (eg: Petition faxing or emailing applications) please contact Karl at the above link and provide a voice telephone number where you can be reached during business hours.

Additional data sources (eg: state-specific legislator information) is being actively solicited. If you have such information available in a machine-readable format or are willing to key it from paper copies please contact the maintainer.